7.47 / 2021
The animated film ‘Llygad y Lleuad’ ( The Eye of the Moon) is a response to Caradog Prichards iconic Welsh novel Un Nos Ola Leuad. From his vantage point in the night sky the ‘eye of the moon’ witnesses the symmetrical unfolding of a polarised world. Mountains slide apart to reveal the mirrored village of Bethesda; a place of light and shadow, of angels and miracles, the mythical Queen of the Lake and a vocal Wheel of Fire, and leading finally, to Mam’s incarceration in Denbigh Asylum.
The beautifully hypnotic original score by composer Tomasz Edwards is punctuated by the rhythmic voices of the villagers, who call out their names across the moonlit valley.
The film was commissioned by Elen Bonner and Manon Awst at Pontio Gallery, Bangor, Wales. Llygad y Lleuad was screened at the gallery as an installation which included projections onto a two metre sphere. Composer Tomasz Edwards conducted the music on the opening night in October 2021.